Living well

Hey everyone,
We are alive and well and currently in the Pyrenees in the Sout of France, in a few days we'll be starting the Camino De Santiago treck which is ancient pilgramage that runs through northern Spain and will take us about 6 weeks by foot.
It's been about a month now on the road and we haven't spent a penny, who needs money!!

More posts and photos soon, love to everyone x :)

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  1. Wow, I am curious if you have any tricks for skipping when you are travelling. Do you just have a knack for finding bins with thrown out food? When I hitchhiked I found it difficult to get to places where we could both find free food and camp without being bothered.


  2. Wow!
    the Camino de Santiago! is one of the best pilgrimage's path! (and not so ancient, a lot of people still doing it, you will see) Enjoy a lot!
    I miss you both!
    Lot of love,



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