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Et voila deja le temps passe a koroni avec nos parents est termine mais nous avons de merveilleux souvenirs: l acropole d athenes, le chateau de methoni, l ancien messeni et corinth et son canal, les paysages de reve et des amis adorables. Traverser les pays balkans est une experience unique ou on a l impression de voir toutes les epoques reunies avec les ruines de la guerre fierement montrees a cote des riches et immenses maisons parfois non terminees. Les gens sont dune extreme generosite et nous offrent le couvert et le gite ! Bulgarie nous a confronte a la rudesse du climat en hiver et aux chiens errants; faute de pouvoir sauver les gens, nous avons sauver sofia ce chiot qui nous rend gaga (heureux).
Time has flied our parents have already gone but so many good memories left: the acropolis in athens, methoni castle,  the ancient messeni and corinth+ its canal, and lovely friends and wonderful landscape. As to crossing balkan countries, it remains a strange feeling ; big houses are sitting next to ruins from the war,  proudly exposed.many houses are unfinished while ppl live in there.  It is like crossing all the eras at the same time. a wild and intact nature reinforces the mystery.very generous ppl keep these countries warm, offering us a room and tasty food. Slovenia was as sweet as their inhabitants,  but we saw one of its brown bear only in a cage unfortunatly (or fortunatly!), bosnia Herzegovina has mostar, 1 of the most charming village I ve ever seen and its pyramid in visoko and all of them+ bulgaria has lots of stray dogs! We were fed up to see them dying along the road and so, as we couldn't save the ppl ,we saved this puppy at a petrol station: sofia (pronouced sofya with a long y meaning "wisdom").she brightens our days. Now it is 9h30 at koroni' s home, greece & wesley is playing the ukulele,  singing "have you smelt a yawning cow? It doesn't use toothpaste...walkin on the street I am washing my feet"... traveling doesn't make ppl more clever but more funny somehow!   We have all the ppl we met these 4 last month in our thoughts and heart. Thank u for being who u are and crossing our ways and thank you maman annd daddy for flying all over to peloponese to see us ! LOVE

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1 comment:

  1. Que de souvenirs merveilleux, c'était magique, je ne redescend pas de mon petit nuage... Grâce à tous les deux, tout était parfait. Merci mes chéris.
    Bonne continuation et bonne route. Je vous aime.


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